Tuesday, January 26, 2010

HAITI sentences

1. Childrens in haiti dies mostly because of respiratory disorders, infectious diseases (mostly diarrheal infections), and adult die mostly because of typhoid, tubercolosis, and parasitic diseases. In 2001, 7.7% of adults lived with HIV or AIDS virus.

2. One reason that might have something to do with haiti being poor is the population. In 2003, population was estimated to be 8,326,000. Haiti's landmass is very small, so that much people squeezed in the country might have been a problem.

3. Haiti's education is also a problem. There are shortage of qualified teachers, because of the low pay. Private schools took over public schools in haiti in 1970s.

4. Over 3700 km of roads in hati. 17% paved 27% gravel or other varing rocks, 56% not paved, just mud, dirt. This data was recorded in 1989.

5. One railroad available only for transporting sugarcane. No passanger rail service available.

6. Telephone communication service highly concentrated on Port-au-Prince. Extremely limited in rural areas.

7. Total armed forces including police, navy, army, air-corps is approximately estimated to about only 8000 troops. 1000 of them are concentrated on Port-au-Prince. Air corps totalled only seventeen fixed-wing aircraft, thirteen trainers, and eight helicopters. Recorded in 1991.

8. In winter times, temperature is around 15°C which is a huge climate change compared to the summertime, which is around 35°C. 20°C diffrence and that is a LOT.

9. 80% of people is suffering of haiti.

10. Long history of dictators and millitary leaders starting to establish dictatorship based on terror, and manipulation. President elections finally began on 1987, after violent perpetration by Duvalier's paramilitary organization called the tonton makeouts.


Michael said...

Yong Hee, this assignment is really well done. You searched for specific historical or cultural information that tells the sad story of why so many Haitians live in poverty. Keep up the good work, YH.


Yong Hee Lee said...

Oh at number 9, i was meaning to write 80% of people are suffering from poverty. :P