Just finished the book Beowulf! The book was recommended by my good english teacher, Mr.Hughes. He told me it was a serious story but written in comic version. After I looked at it, I kinda liked the drawing by Gareth Hinds, so what the heck. I'll give it a try. So here is a story about a brave man called Beowulf.
Beowulf, a young man who was born with such great power and intellect. They say it was a gift from god. Unlike all other men, he battles with monsters and slices them with great ease, and defeats them. One day, he was called to reinforce the great king
Hrothgar, a man who valued Beowulf when he was a child. A fiend called Grendel was killing Hrothgar's men and was ruining the great hall that Hrothgar has built. When Beowulf arrived on Hrothgar's land, he had a big feast before the fearsome fight. The following night, as usual, Grendel came. He and Beowulf had a fierce battle, and they fought for their own victories. At the end, Beowulf had cut Grendel's arm and Grendel fled. He trophied the arm and hanged it on the roof of the great hall. Beowulf was given many prizes and jewels from the great king Hrothgar. But he knew that he had another enemy to face; Grendel's mother, the sea serpent.
Now there's a lot of exciting actions, and the story itself is pretty cool. And I have to say, I was pretty impressed with the drawing by Gareth Hinds. There's a movie about this story, and you might've watched it. You should give it a try. This comic version is not so long, and it is easy to read and understand because again, thanks to Mr.Gareth. :D
Wow can't make spaces again~~ -0-
Bummer when the spaces evaporate, eh?
Nice work on the review of this book. You've given a good accounting of the action.
1) author's name under title
2) *** rating
3) best part
I already watched the movie and it was cool. The favorite part I liked was when Beowolf deafeted the troll. It was cool. Y didnt u put a star rating?
hey good english teacher mr hughes also recomended that book to me i think i'll read it. it sound really good with lot of action, and barely any words.
Good Job! I'll try to read it once it's in the library
hi. i'm hellen from TAS. it's been forever since anyone blogged, i think. we also read beowolf during class and i think it's pretty awesome, especially the description about beowolf
byebye for now. ^^
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